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Movies with Valuable Messages

Movies with Valuable Messages
Movies with Valuable Messages

Movies can be a great way to spend time with family, and they can also provide valuable messages.

Snuggling up with your kids and watching a movie together is one of the best joys of being a parent. As well as that treasured cuddle time, today’s animated films offer exciting story lines, glorious graphics, triumphant sing-along songs and, best of all, essential life lessons young children can easily understand.

Advantages of watching movies with valuable messages

Movies can be a forum through which to teach ourselves and our children about values. While kids get most of their essential lessons from the way we behave (through experiential modelling), movies give us a chance to explain and expand on those lessons.

The stories may be wildly different, but the mantras to happiness have some common themes: accept yourself; treasure your friends; don’t be put off doing what you love by naysayers; practice makes progress; being kind is a whole lot better than being mean.

Stories in movies have the advantage of separation. It can be more comfortable for children to talk to parents about what is happening in a movie than to talk about what is happening inside them. These discussions can be a powerful way for families to connect and communicate.

If you are looking for films with valuable messages to show your family or use as part of a class, download our list of Movies with a Valuable Message. We have curated a list of films that will entertain and educate you and your loved ones. From classic Disney movies like The Lion King to newer films, we have something for everyone on this list. So, take a look and choose one (or more!) to watch together!

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